Archive for the ‘Peony’ Category

posted this in Peony , Uncategorized on 13/06/2023

Peony has been incredible. We continue to feel the loss, deeply, but are thankful to have had the opportunity to support so many women over the last five years. Below is a beautiful reflection written by the Peony members of staff. These moving words wonderfully sum up how incredible Peony and all those involved through […]

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posted this in Casework , Drop-in , Outreach , Pause , Peony , Uncategorized on 22/03/2023

It is with great sadness that One25 must reduce our services for marginalised women.   Since 2021, we have faced our biggest fundraising challenge to date. We have taken steps to grow our income, but this has been extremely challenging in the current climate. Therefore, we have had to draw on our reserves and are sadly […]

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Peony Space

posted this in Peony on 27/01/2023

One25 services meet women at their point of need with love and practical support. Peony is unique in gathering women who are further on in their recovery journey, exploring what a life of emotional and financial independence may look like for them. So much happens along the way; helping women develop wellbeing, self-esteem and skills […]

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a bold woman in a T-shirt wears her crown

posted this in Peony on 18/01/2022

She is a warrior queen! Watch and hear Clover’s words in this strong and tender animation.

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