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One25 enjoys regular contact with the media. We are eager to talk about:
We fully recognise the important role that media have in furthering some of our key aims:
All journalists requesting media coverage should be able to show awareness that every one of the women we work with has experienced trauma. Because of this, engagement with and portrayal of One25 service users requires heightened sensitivity. One25 will decide whether to engage in confrontational debates on a case-by-case basis. This will depend on the key issues being raised; the level of knowledge and any bias the media outlet might have; the context in which One25’s input will be used and whether a suitably briefed and confident spokesperson is available.
One25 is a person-centred organisation, as well as being trauma-informed. We can only work with media who will focus on a service user’s personhood (not defining them by their disadvantages or needs) and who are able to ensure a service user’s story is treated as their own property and voice. We require:
Because of the risk of stigmatisation and exploitation, even of women who are well established in recovery, we will not work with journalists who wish to identify service users in any way (e.g. name, image, audio). If in doubt, please email One25’s CEO, Jennifer Riley at jennifer.riley@one25.org.uk or the Fundraising and Communications Manager, Amy Sutcliffe at amy.sutcliffe@one25.org.uk.
One25 may negotiate between a media request and a service user where this is deemed to empower the service user by giving her a voice, where there is low risk of relapse or other vulnerability and where identities are protected. We are most likely to negotiate this interview with media organisations that challenge stereotypes, avoid clichés and sensationalism and are willing to treat interviewees with dignity.
Any filming of service users must use a non-identifiable image. Interviews with service users will only be granted on the condition that they are pre-recorded and only used once the service user, with One25, has listened back and given consent. Journalists must be clear with an interviewee when and where the recording will be used and confirm that she understands this using One25’s signed consent form. The interviewee must be allowed a member of One25 staff to be present to support her.
Media professionals must be aware that for most women, recounting their history or a specific ordeal to a stranger entails additional trauma and a high chance of relapse. For this reason, One25 will not set up interviews between journalists and our beneficiaries unless the women involved have expressed an informed willingness to be interviewed and will be empowered rather than re-traumatised by the experience. To make this process safe, healthy and anonymous for them, every journalist must agree to the following:
One25 is keen to cooperate with the media on the sensitive and accurate reporting of stories involving women trapped in street sex-work. We can:
For press enquiries, please email communications@one25.org.uk.
Please note that interviews are only possible by appointment.