Vision, mission and values

a lit candle on a table

Everything we do at One25 is driven by our vision, mission, and values.

Our vision

A world where all women are safe, feel loved and thrive.

"One25 were just there for me with a hug, with love and support and they never once doubted that I could do it. And that just somehow went in. There was never a hint of judgement or expectation, it was just love all the way."

- Sandra

Our mission

To meet women who street sex work where they are, supporting them to move from crisis and trauma towards independence in the community.

Our values:

  • Compassion – we care
  • Justice – we fight for change
  • Learning – we grow together 

Watch the video below to learn more about our values from CEO Jenny Riley.

Find out more

two women walking the path together

How we help

How we help
Bristol skyline

Liz's story

Our story
two women talking over coffee

Our impact

Our impact

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©2025 - Registered in England. Reg. No. 3362644. It is registered as a charity. Reg. No. 1062391

Website: Atomic Smash