Our finances

We’re always seeking to meet women’s needs in the ways which work best for them. Our work costs a lot of money so we have to raise a lot too.

Expenditure 2023/24

Expenditure Outreach £195,600 Drop-in £32,00 Health hub £102,300 Casework £499,000 Peony £33,100 Pause £210,600 Raising funds £313,400 Total £1,386,200

Every penny counts – read about our impact.

Income 2023/24

Donations: We couldn’t carry on with our work if it wasn’t for the astounding generosity and commitment of our donors, some of whom have been giving every month since our early days. Whether you’re donating a fiver to our Christmas appeal or leaving a gift in your will, every single donation we receive makes a huge difference.

One25 events: Our fantastic fundraisers take on sponsored challenges to raise funds and awareness for us each year. From sleeping out in the cold to taking on 125 miles, you can find the perfect fundraising option for you.

Grants: Thanks to the amazing support of nearly 60 trusts and foundations and their continuing commitment to the work we do.

Commissioned income: This is money paid by other agencies for services which we run. Partnership working is invaluable to us.

Other income: various small streams e.g. bank interest.

Income Donations £376,300 Grants £820,400 Commissioned Income £357,700 One25 events £31,500 Other £12,00 Total £1,597,900

All numbers have been rounded to the nearest hundred pounds. For more detail, please see our statutory accounts below.

One25_Social_Gradient_WhiteLogo1 2020

One25 statutory accounts for 2023/24

Download12/09/2024 - 401 KB

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©2025 - Registered in England. Reg. No. 3362644. It is registered as a charity. Reg. No. 1062391

Website: Atomic Smash