Things We Do Not Know at SPACE

posted this on 26/02/2020

The wonderful people at Process Theatre have been developing their piece ‘Things We Do Not Know’ which is inspired by the women of One25. Find out more about their residency, and how they’re elevating and celebrating the voices of the women we support.

Things We Do Not Know at SPACE

“I’m Ellie”
“I’m Layla”
“I’m Kez”
Together: “We’re Process Theatre!”

What is Things We Do Not Know?

Layla: “Things We Do Not Know is a project we’ve been doing for about 5 years. It started just as a theatre piece, like us doing monologues of the women’s stories, singing a bit… But then over the years it’s really grown into an art exhibition as well and it’s a way for us to work with and for One25.”

Ellie: “I don’t know what it is to experience some of the things that the women who we’re talking about and the women who access One25’s services experience. I don’t know that…”

Layla: “We do have shared emotions just not necessarily shared experiences

Ellie: “There’s so many things from each human to human that we have no clue about”

And why Process Theatre?

Ellie: “We’re not experts, we’re artists, and we’re crafting it together”

Layla: “Yeah that’s why there’s so much on the walls that the audience can do and be involved with”

What are we going to see?

Kez: “We sort of start with information about the charity and statistics about the women and what they’ve been through and the kind of people that One25 help”

Layla: “We’ve got extracts from the show and the monologues we’ve read.”

Ellie: “The voices are the actors in the company but all of the words belong to the women whose stories that they’re telling.”

Layla: “They can engage with us graffiti-ing women’s names and then ultimately people end up with work created by women who access the services of One25 and that’s like – the pinnacle of it”

Ellie: And then you’ve got another little reflection point which goes really well with the beautiful mirror that one of the women has made”

Kez: “People are able to kind of reflect on… maybe how am I treated by society? What is my body worth? What would I like to be worth? And what are some people in society considered to be worth?”

Kez: “I think you’ll leave feeling hopeful”

Layla: “I think I can guarantee a feeling of warmth inside. I think it’s a beautiful journey. And there’ll be music… performances… and lots of lovely little extras”

When can I visit?

Friday 28 Feb
Drop-in exhibition 7pm to 8pm

Saturday 29 Feb
Drop-in exhibition 10am to midday
Performance of extracts 11am to 11:30am

Drop-in exhibition 6pm to 8pm
Performance of extracts 7pm to 7:30pm

Sunday 1 March
Drop-in exhibition 1pm to 4pm
Performance of extracts 2pm to 3pm

Free. No tickets required.

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