Do your fundraising, your way

Do your fundraising, your way and we will support you every step
Why not turn something you love into a fundraiser? A cheese and wine night with the neighbours, a soul concert with your favourite local bands, a ceilidh, a cake sale…
How about taking on a personal challenge you’ve always wanted to conquer? A long cycle, an oversea trek, a head shave, an ultra marathon, a long soak in a bath of beans…!?!
Need some inspiration?
Check out our A – Z of fundraising ideas if you’re a bit short of your own.
- Afternoon tea party – ask for donations or sell tickets.
- Art sale – live or online
- Adventure! Like a sponsored Three Peaks Hike
- Auctions
- Babysitting – offer your services to neighbours, family and friends, for a donation
- BBQ – charge a fee for guests in an afternoon of sizzling fun
- Barn dance – sell tickets and make extra on a raffle, cloakroom and refreshments on the night
- Ball – go posh and give people a night to remember
- Bring and buy sale
- Carol singing – ask us for a tin or bucket and give your neighbours some festive cheer
- Cake bake – an easy way to raise money at the office or church
- Club nights – ask your favourite DJs and MCs to do this one for free and aim to sell out
- Clothes swap – charge an entry fee and donate any unwanted items to One25 afterwards
- Coffee mornings – coffee, cake and a chat with your favourites, for a donation
- Competitions – at work, with mates, at the gym – this is an easy way to raise money and have fun
- Dress down day – at school or work. Fridays always seem best for this!
- Dance show – put your talents to good use and sell tickets to show them off
- Dinner party – don your finest cuisine and ask your friends to donate what they would normally spend on a meal out
- Eighties night – terrible tunes, big hair and loud fashion. Charge for entry and run a competition for ‘best fancy dress’, ‘best dance moves’ etc
- Exhibitions – have you got something people would pay to see? Why not ask for donations instead
- Easter egg hunt – and other egg themed fun, eg. egg and spoon race
- Face painting, fetes and fairs and all that family fun
- Football competition – turn your husband/ boyfriend/ son’s obsession into a fundraiser for the day
- Fun run – you don’t have to be an athlete to run for charity. Find a park run or 5K race near you and entice people to sponsor you by wearing fancy dress (the highest donation decides)
- Film night – set a projector up in your garden or community hall and show a classic film with popcorn, hot dogs and pop for donations
- Guessing competition – how many sweets in the jar, who’s baby photo etc
- Garden party – show off your lawn and host some summer fun
- Gig – if you’re musical or know someone who is, people love to hear love music and plenty of venues will give you a stage for free
- Head shave – the ultimate sacrifice for some. Shave it all off for sponsorship and sell your luscious locks for an extra donation
- Hire a helper – hire out your gardening/ cleaning/ cooking skills for a donation to One25
- International food dinner party – everyone picks a country and brings a native dish to contribute as well as making a donation
- Jumble sale – get the whole road to join in, set up your stalls and have some fun
- Jazz night – dust down your Louis and Ella vinyls or host a live band
- Karaoke – you can’t go wrong with a bit of this
- Knit-a-thon – yep you really can turn anything into a competition!
- Leg waxing – for men of course. Convince your boss to be a good sport and watch the money roll in
- Lessons in – teach a skill such as professional masseur, French, cooking, singing
- Lucky dip – another good one for the office, school or church. Make it a regular Friday feature
- Magic show – kids and grown-ups love it alike
- Marathon – secure a place at on of the dozens of organised marathons around the country each year
- Murder mystery – a fun themed night with friends can easily be turned into a fundraiser
- Netball tournament – get fit, socialise and fundraise. What a great combo
- Non-uniform day – convince your school to donate the proceeds of your next one to One25
- New years party – everyone likes to celebrate this night, why not see the new year in with extra purpose
- Obstacle course – not just for kids you know
- Odd clothes day – why not get sponsored to let the child in your life dress you for the day
- Open mic night – a more professional and original version of karaoke
- Parties – for every occassion can be turned into fundraisers
- Pancake day – cheap to make, everyone loves them and would be happy to donate
- Poetry night/slam – Bristol is full of talented poets and spoken word artists who’d be sure to take part
- Pub quiz – everyone loves one, why not make it a regular feature at your local
- Progressive meal – otherwise known as a safari supper. Great fun with all the neigbours
- Quiz night – struggling for fresh ideas on this awkward letter!
- Races – on foot, three legged, jumping in a sack, relay, on your bike…phew!
- Raffles – a great way to raise more at almost any event or challenge you take on
- RAG – if you’re a student you could find out who heads up the ‘Raise and Give’ society and make sure One25 gets a piece of the pie
- Rugby match – gather your team and a rival for a charty special
- Sports day – in the park, on the beach, in your back garden. Call in the crowd and get the competitions going
- Sponsored challenge – this is by far the best opportunity to raise oodles of money for One25. The crazier your challenge (“she’ll never do that!”), the more you’ll raise
- Swear box – set one up in your office and watch it get full in no time. Muttering still counts!
- Themed day/party – pull out all the stops with costumes, music, games, food, decor
- Treasure hunt – provide an afternoon of entertainment and ask for donations or a entry fee
- Talent competition – at school, at uni, at work, at church or anytime/anywhere with your talented friends!
- Unwanted gifts sale – don’t just stash them in a drawer and forget about them, make them count
- Ultimate challenges – this could be a cycle ride across Pery, hiking the Great Wall or abseiling the Avon Gorge
- Valentines ball – for the lovers out there
- Variety show – more performance base fundraising, the list is endless
- Walks – a novelty ‘fancy dress’ walk or a serious, epic trek
- Wine tasting – or wine and cheese party
- Xmas ball/ party – Ok we know it’s a ‘C’ but cut us some slack. This is a great idea!
- X Factor sweepstake – bets on the winner at the start of the season makes it more fun for you all
- Young / Old switch – young people dress up as old people and vice versa. Which category are you in!?
- Yoga morning – ask your yoga teacher to donate an hour of their time and spread the word
- Yoga challenge – 24 hours of non-stop yoga?? Now that’s worth sponsoring
- Zumba class – in the same vein as the yoga idea. OR a zumba marathon (26 hours straight!)
- Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz – still awake and reading? Well done. Hopefully you’ve found something you like the sound of. Now let’s get started.
Tell us what you’re doing
As soon as you’ve decided how you’re going to raise the big bucks for women escaping street sex work, send us an email on and download our fundraising pack below- it’s full of helpful tips to get you started. We’ll be in touch to make sure you have everything you need and to cheer you to the finish line! GOOD LUCK!
One25 Events pack
A support pack for your fundraising event.
Download18/02/2020 - 781 KB
One25 Sponsorship Form
A sponsorship form for you to collect offline donations.
Download05/07/2016 - 145 KB