Fundraising Top Tips

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Here are some of our top tips for fundraising for One25

There are so many different ways to get involved and make a difference with One25, and we’ve got some top tips to make sure that no matter what you’re doing, it’ll be an amazing success. Check out our A-Z of activities if you’re stuck for an idea.

Tips For Sponsored Challenges

Tip 1: It’s all about your fundraising page

Make a compelling, personal page on JustGiving about what you’re doing and why. Click the orange ‘Fundraise for Us’ button to get started. Your page should be inspiring, and your personality should come shining through… it’s ok to be a little bit cheeky!

“My target is £30 (because I will be 30… see what I did there?!) but any donations big or small would be fab. And let’s face it, it’s a sorry state of affairs if my mates don’t like me enough to raise £30!!” – Donate Your Birthday Fundraiser

Tip 2: Get some photos up there

People love it when they can see your lovely smiley face on your page. It’s really important to add pictures of you, maybe as you’re training or preparing for your challenge, to keep people up to date and interested.

Tip 3: Set a target and aim high

You might have been asked by us to set a specific fundraising target, but dare to reach above and beyond – you’d be surprised how generous people will be when they see how dedicated you are!

Tip 4: Go old-school

Use a sponsorship form to catch people at work, or school, at the gym or at church. Ask if you could pin up your forms on noticeboards or leave them at reception. When you’ve collected the money you can pop it onto your online page – simple. Don’t forget to ask people to Gift Aid it (it adds 25p to every £1!). Download a form below or ask us to email you one.

Tip 5: Run some little events

Not sure if you’ll hit the target on time? Have no fear, maybe put on a few smaller events in the lead up to the big day. Host a bake sale at work, or a curry night with friends, and feed the donations in to your JustGiving fundraising page.

Tip 6: Tell the world!

Share your page through social media. Use photos, anecdotes, videos, boomerangs, gifs, Facebook Live, Insta stories… anything you can think of! In the week leading up to your challenge take every opportunity to spam social media – it’s a short enough timeframe to be effective without annoying your friends. Make sure to add the link to your sponsorship page on every post.

Get in contact with friends directly too. A heartfelt Facebook message to a friend, an email to a colleague or a call with your nan could really boost your fundraising. Make sure to update people on your progress, even break it down into mini targets for the day ‘I’m just £20 away from hitting £200, who’s gonna help me get there by the end of the day?’

It’s your challenge, be proud of it and own it.

Planning Ventures Trek

Tips for Events

Tip 1: Have a solid idea with a fixed date

It sounds really simple but it makes a massive difference. Make sure your event has a fixed time, date, and location and that the info you’re giving people about it is consistent. We know your ‘sort-of-gig-kind-of-art-exhibition-but-also-an-installation’ will be amazing, but you’ve got to make sure everyone you invite knows about it too!

Tip 2: Let us help you

We’ve seen all kinds of events at One25 – Zumba classes, garden parties, comedy nights, gigs… Let us know what you’re up to and we’ll be happy to help you however we can. We can promote your event on our social media, lend you fundraising buckets, send you flyers. We want to make sure your event is a success as much as you do, so don’t be afraid to keep in contact – we love hearing from you.

Tip 3: Build the buzz

Whether it’s a low-key garden party or a fun-filled festival, make sure to remind the attendees exactly how great your event will be, and just what a difference their donations will make. Send out emails letting them know the event is coming up, or post on your social media page that it’s not too late to get tickets. The more you’re talking about it (or asking other people to post about it on your behalf!) the more the excitement will build.

‘If you were planning to get me something for my big one – let me make it easy for you! Please could you donate the value of my gift to this awesome Bristol charity instead? I don’t really need any more ‘stuff’ and my cupboards certainly don’t need any more gin!’ – Donate Your Birthday Fundraiser

Tip 4: Send out thank yous

At One25 we send a thank you every donation we get, and it would be great if you could help us out. Try to make sure that everyone who helped with your event, attended, donated or just wished you well gets a good proper thank you. It could be an email, a call, a text or a card, but it’s great for those people to know exactly how much you raised and just what a difference it will make. We all love the warm and fuzzy feelings.

That’s all, folks!

That’s all there is to it. No matter what you choose to do or how you choose to do it, enjoy yourself! We’ll be with you every step of the way cheering you on. Just remember that every penny you raise makes a difference. So why not get started now and create your JustGiving page?

Good luck!

Sponsorship Form Icon

One25 Sponsorship Form

A sponsorship form to collect in-person donations.

Download19/02/2020 - 145 KB

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©2025 - Registered in England. Reg. No. 3362644. It is registered as a charity. Reg. No. 1062391

Website: Atomic Smash