Women’s highlights

New life
New life

posted this on 18/09/2018

We work hard to give women the voices and choices that society denies them. Here are some highlights of the 2017-18 year!

March 2018

Clio and Karena are welcomed to City Hall by Bristol mayor. They raise issues with housing and addiction recovery. You can read more here.

Marvin with

December 2017

Drop-in was decorated for Christmas, women had a massive dinner and took away presents. Watch this short film…

June 2017

A summer outing to Brean Leisure Park!

merry go round

17-18 art project

Some of the dozens of colourful tiles that women painted this year and fixed to the drop-in garden walls. Read volunteer Shelley’s reflection on the art in her diary of a day in drop-in.

painted tiles with messages like

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