A special thank you, from Anna

One25 thank you from Anna

posted this on 09/05/2016

Every year, we ask our service users how we can improve.

And as a charity, we’re very lucky to have the support of over 120 dedicated volunteers, plus hundreds of fundraisers and donors, speakers, bakers, runners and grapplers.

We thought you’d all like to read what Anna told us, because it’s to every single one of you:

"“When I think of the love, care and support I have received from the women at One25 it makes me cry with emotion. I have worked in quite a few cities as a sex worker and there is no other organisation like One25 anywhere in the country. The women amaze me, they are the most loving, caring ladies on the planet. I've been fed, put in crash pad when I've had nowhere to sleep, given clothes, helped to get in rehab, taken to detox and rehab, visited in rehab, supported in recovery and loved and cared for when everyone else has given up on me, including myself.

I've never once been judged and always felt safe at the drop in or on the van. I've been encouraged, supported and loved back to life. One25 are the only people who see me when I'm in jail. Supported me at court. I don't know how I would ever repay the kindness and love I've been given. Bristol should be proud of One25 - I'm currently sat in a jail cell writing this and just knowing that One25 thought of me to send me this questionnaire reassures me that I'm cared about.

I haven't got any family, these women have been the female family role models I've never had and continue to believe in me, encourage, support and care about me when times are tough and I feel emotionally ruined. A MILLION THANKS LADIES AT ONE25.”"


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