
A letter from Claire*

Claire story

posted this on 24/05/2016

 We first met Claire minutes after she’d been attacked on the streets. She has sent us a beautiful letter telling us how she’s doing now…

“I work all over the beat in Bristol, trying to get enough heroin money for me and my boyfriend. He gets really angry if I come back empty-handed. I’ve been addicted since I was 13: it makes me do stuff I hate.

Before I met One25 I had no-one to talk to and didn’t feel like I deserved help. I remember the night I was introduced to One25. I’d just been with a guy who’d refused to pay, hit me and dumped me on the street. The van volunteers gave me food, first aid and helped me do an Ugly Mug [violence report].

Now my caseworker’s helping me get everything together that I need to get out: a script [methadone prescription], hopefully detox, somewhere safe to stay. Even just telling me I can make it is amazing. I really want to make it.”

*Letter reproduced with her permission

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