Caroline’s half marathon success!


posted this on 13/04/2016

Our Volunteer Manager, Caroline McAleese, has raised a whopping £600 for One25 by completing the Vitality Bath Half Marathon!

The money she raised is going towards One25’s work to help women trapped in a life of street-sex work and homelessness, where they are exposed to violence, malnutrition and ill health.

"“I'm touched by how generous people have been with their donations. It shows how important people see One25's work and what a vital service it is for women who are involved in street sex work.""

- Caroline - One25 Runner

Caroline completed the run in an incredibly quick 1 hour 41 minutes, despite a bad knee, and says she was “really chuffed considering [she] had a goal of under two hours!” We’re so proud of her determination, enthusiasm, and magical physio tape!

Overall Caroline felt this was day was a result. “It was money raised to support women’s safety and to move on from street work, a fun day for me, plus I’ve not been so physically fit for quite a while!”

Running a marathon, a half marathon or Bristol 10km would be a great way for more people to help make a difference through One25. If you’d like to race for us, then find out more and get in touch and we’ll send you everything you need to get going.

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