Press statement: One25 awarded £65k from Tampon Tax

One25 awarded £65k from Tampon Tax

posted this on 16/03/2016

 One25 awarded £65k from Tampon Tax Fund

Today it was announced in the Budget 2016 that Bristol charity, One25, have been awarded a share of the HM Treasury’s £12m Tampon Tax Fund. One25 was only one of 19 charities across the country to win funding despite high numbers of applications.

One25 enables women to break free from street sex work and build new, independent lives. They provide night outreach as well as a drop-in centre and casework to around 230 women each year, of whom c150 are actively street sex-working. Last year they helped over a third of these courageous women to escape this dangerous lifestyle.

Communications Manager, Josie Forsyth commented: “We welcome this funding to help vulnerable women. One25 provides life-saving support for women trapped in street sex work, violence and addiction. With £65,000, One25 can help many more women to escape the streets and get the same basic rights that we can take for granted: a chance for a safe roof over their heads; a life free from violence; support to register with a GP and improve their health.”

“We hope that the funding from the Tampon Tax becomes part of a long-term sustainable funding solution to supporting vulnerable women and one that is resourced fairly and not just from taxes on women.”

For more information on the charity please visit or contact Amy Sutcliffe on 0117 909 4390 /

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