A fond farewell from our CEO, Gill Nowland

Gill Nowland One25 celebration
Gill Nowland One25 CEO Job

Gill Nowland posted this on 21/09/2016

I am writing to share some personal news. After some serious soul searching, I have made the difficult decision to move on from One25 by the end of 2016. We are now recruiting for a new CEO.

Working at One25 over these last sixteen years has changed my life. I started my journey with One25 as a volunteer on outreach and have been witness to and part of many, many changes over the years. I have met so many incredible women along the way. They have all taught me so much about love, compassion and justice. It has been a privilege to be involved in One25 as a volunteer, as a drop-in coordinator, as a volunteer manager and for the last seven years as CEO.

  • Gill Nowland One25 CEO Job
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As I look at One25 today, it is flourishing and is stronger than ever. I believe One25 is poised and ready for the next phase and I look forward to proudly observing this from a different position as a supporter.

Best wishes


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