Justice at last for Becky Godden

posted this on 21/09/2016

After nearly fourteen years justice has finally been done.

We are immensely relieved to hear that Christopher Halliwell has been found guilty today of the murder of Becky Godden-Edwards. We are delighted that justice has been done at last and that Becky’s family can receive some level of closure.

Becky was a beautiful 20 year old woman who was much loved by her family and by those of us at One25 who were lucky enough to know her. Becky was just a teenager when we first met her and had been ripped apart from her family and her dreams by her debilitating drug addiction. We cared for Becky and encouraged her to ring her mum, Karen, to let her know how much she loved and missed her and to tell Karen that she was alive and in Bristol. However, after the end of 2002 we never saw her again.

Like Becky, every woman that One25 supports on Bristol’s streets is someone’s daughter, someone’s sister and their lives are as valuable as anyone else’s. We will never stop fighting for a better life for each and every one. We will never stop seeking justice against those who believe that they can harm these valued women and get away with it. We will always remember Becky as a beautiful, kind, bright young woman who was worth so much more. She will be sadly missed by all who knew her.

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