Unlocking vital services

Shanon in the kitchen
Anna Smith smiling

Anna Smith, CEO posted this on 06/07/2020

Today we were so excited to start re-opening services! Shirley told us this afternoon:

“You are amazing. Without you through the Covid thing, it would have been much harder. And you’ve helped me with my meds, you are amazing!”

The outreach van has been steadily busy throughout lockdown. This continues with a window service until women can be safely let onto the van. We’re still here for women in crisis.

Drop-in will now be open for up to four women at a time, with screening for symptoms at the door and showers and food inside. This safe space for women is so treasured and we can’t wait to be able to spend time with women. Drop-in will only be open for two days a week because we also need to keep delivering food parcels to shielding women. This remains an essential part of how we’re responding to women’s essential needs in the pandemic.

Peony is holding two sessions a day, Tuesday to Thursday, for four women at a time. The workshops and food really help women find a sense of community and self-esteem. Meanwhile, caseworkers and Pause practitioners are still phoning women and loving be able to meet up safely.

It’s been as important as ever to keep offering specialist support to help keep women safe, moving away from the issues that can control their lives, towards freedom and recovery. Thank you to all the volunteers who continue to help staff make this happen. And thank you for your support, however you’re able to show it.

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