Trauma and ‘multiple disadvantage’

Anna Smith smiling

Anna Smith, CEO posted this on 30/06/2020

Multiple disadvantage is when you experience a number of issues that you need support with. So that might be that you have a drug addiction, it might be that you have a mental health issue, you might be experiencing domestic and sexual violence.

It’s something that we as an organisation work very hard to raise awareness about at a multi-agency level. And it’s something that we look at through our Golden Key work.

Many fo the women that we work with have experienced trauma. And that then leads to many of the other issues. It is the basis of many of the issues that the women face.

Most services are set up to deal with one thing at a time. So you go into a service because you have a drug addiction but you may also have a mental health problem… You may feel very unsafe in your life… You may have huge issues with confidence. Firstly, you might not feel able to access any service. And then secondly you need another specialism to help you as well.

One25 works with unconditional love. Everything we do is trauma-informed. And we believe that’s the best way to help women move on.

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