Sleep Out 2017: find out how they got on…


posted this on 14/03/2017

On Friday 24 February, 25 brave people gathered their sleeping bags and cardboard before settling down in the Pip ‘n’ Jay church grounds.

Participants worked hard in the weeks before, raising money for their Sleep Out. They also raised awareness of homelessness; a problem that affects 4 in 5 women who are street sex working in Bristol.

"It was fun, and I felt very privileged to have taken part for such a great cause"

Sleep Out 2017 final

"I was made aware of the vulnerability of those who don’t have homes to go back to""

Read a poem written by Sleep Outer, Lorna

Song of the City

Caught between sleep and wakefulness
I listened

To the rhythm of light rain on my tarpaulin
A cool metronomic click-clicking

To the February breeze breathing in the bare trees
And the pop of sticks snapping

To echoes through the underpass
The low notes of vehicles vibrating

To the threatening thrum of lorries
Louder louder LOUDER receding

To rippling caws of gulls in overlapping layers
And high shrieks of birds monkey-laughing

To voices of clubbers heading homewards
Their footsteps gravel-grating

To a single sigh, a lone cough
And the snore of a stranger rasping,

And to rare slivers of silence.

In the morning, early, I walked home
Past three bundles of cardboard and blankets
Hiding those who hear this song of the city
Every night.

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