Our CEO is moving on

picture of Anna Smith, One25
One25: for women to heal and thrive

One25 posted this on 11/01/2022

Our CEO, Anna Smith, will be leaving One25 in March to take up the position of programme director at Changing Futures in Bristol. This is an exciting new post which continues her passion for work with people who face multiple disadvantages and aims to improve systems for them in our city.

Over the five years that Anna has led One25, we have developed two new services in Pause and Peony, and continued the vital work of our brilliant van, drop-in and casework during some of the most challenging times.

Anna says: “I have loved my time at One25. It has been a privilege to be part of such a vital, changing and developing service which helps women to change their lives. One25 will always have a special place in my heart.”

One25’s Chair of Trustees, Malcolm Richardson says: “Anna is a remarkable leader and has been a great CEO of One25, driving us forward over the past five years to the highly respected and influential position we are now in. She will leave an organisation that is significantly larger, more professional and better structured than it was when she arrived, and very clear in its strategy and goals.”

We wish Anna all the best with this new venture. One25’s Board will be recruiting as soon as possible and full details will be on our website in due course.

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Website: Atomic Smash