One25 will host innovative Pause Bristol

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One25 Amy Sutcliffe

Amy Sutcliffe posted this on 16/02/2017

Pause is a proven model of care, which supports women who have repeatedly had children removed from their care to take control of their lives. It allows them to take a pause from the usual periods of chaos, anger and reaction to care proceedings. Many of these women face multiple challenges ranging from drug and alcohol addiction, to domestic violence and poor mental health.

Participation in Pause is voluntary and by committing to the programme women agree to take contraception during their time on Pause. In this instance, the most effective form of this is a long acting reversible contraception. The purpose of this is to allow them to have the opportunity to reflect and focus on their own needs, often for the first time in their lives.

Pause then offers them an intensive, flexible programme of support, tailored to their individual needs, so they tackle destructive patterns, develop new skills and avoid further trauma.  This helps them set in place strong foundations upon which they can build a more positive future for themselves.

Evidence shows it also significantly reduces the spiralling costs to public finances and society from the social exclusion of this group of women or another generation of children being born into statutory care. The initial projects in Hull, Doncaster and London have supported 137 women who experienced dramatic improvements in their health and wellbeing.

"Having run a similar project in London, I am really pleased to see Pause come to Bristol to support women with the trauma of having children removed, to move on as people and as parents."

- Anna Smith - One25 CEO

Pause Bristol is part of the second wave of programmes rolling out across the UK and we are excited about what this will mean for a generally neglected group of women in our city. One25 is delighted to partner with Bristol City Council to deliver this innovative model of care which will give hope and opportunity to twenty women in our city.

To find out more watch Joanne’s story from Pause Hull below or visit the national Pause website.

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