A Heartwarming Update from Caseworker Liv

Christmas Blog
Christmas Blog

Liv Ollin posted this on 06/01/2015

Just thought I would share a nice story….

A few months ago we put out a furniture request for ‘Jo’ who was moving into her new flat.

We were overjoyed with the generosity showed! Six weeks into her new tenancy, Jo is doing incredibly well and loving her new life. Her caseworker visited her on Christmas Eve to deliver gifts for Jo and her two children. Who helped her cook a Boxing Day dinner for the first time. Jo said:

 “I haven’t been this happy before. One25 have been brilliant. Even when I don’t see you, I know that you’ll call and I know you are thinking of me. I wouldn’t have got to this place without you.”


Lots of love and best wishes for 2015,



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