Bridget: fighting for justice

woman safe and sound asleep
woman safe and sound asleep

One25 posted this on 26/02/2019

‘Bridget’ had been known to outreach teams for only a little while before she was raped. It hadn’t been so long since a sex worker was murdered in the area it happened.

Street sex workers are all too often exposed to physical and sexual violence. To cope with the terrible effects, many try to see it as normal or even refuse to acknowledge it. Just reporting such crimes can be horribly traumatic because it means reliving the experience. But Bridget decided she wanted justice.

It’s really difficult to keep appointments when life is chaotic – sofa-surfing and addiction. So it was really important to spend lots of time building a relationship with her. She began to trust me and to talk for the first time ever about things that had happened to her.

Bridget’s unbelievably positive. She’s motivated and resourceful and she’s conquering her anxiety. She was so grateful to housing caseworker Sophie who got her somewhere secure to live. Now she knows she can be safe and will be able to get to sleep. You can’t underestimate how important this is to her.

Now Bridget is making her appointments, working to improve her mental health, stepping into recovery and staying strong in the fight for justice. Go Bridget!

She deserves better

International Women’s Day 2019 was Friday 8 March and we’re saying all women deserve safety. Your support can help a street sex-working woman to reach safety and get the support she needs. It can help a woman know she deserves better.

£25 can pay for a specialist caseworker to support a woman who’s been violently attacked.

£60 can pay for a month’s vital Freephone service to the outreach van so it can meet women where they need help.

Can you donate this International Women’s Day?

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