Never Give Up


posted this on 10/11/2017

On the 6 November nearly 200 of us gathered at We The Curious as staff, volunteers, supporters, donors and friends. It was a celebration of the brave steps of the women we work with and everyone that makes them possible.

Interactive stalls gave each person a flavour of the life of One25, showcasing drop-in, casework and outreach. We waved farewell to Chair of Trustees Mary McGinty and CEO Anna revealed her hopes for the future. The night was jam-packed with volunteer awards, stories and chances to meet the One25 community – all with a glorious amount of cake!

I’ve worked previously with both refugees and sex workers – in America, South-East Asia and most recently Greece – so it brings me great joy to be doing my university placement year for an organisation who can celebrate so many successes at home within the UK. The annual celebration highlighted these successes and the many people that made them possible.

The event affirmed how truly the theme of never give up runs through One25’s DNA. The stories and statistics about the victories of the women we heard on the night are a testament to this. They show the lengths One25 are willing to go to support these women to break free and build new lives away from violence, poverty and addiction.

Never giving up means walking alongside a woman no matter what the steps look like. The long-term pursuit to love and value these women is something I find truly inspiring and undoubtedly needed. This dedication and passion to never give up working with and hoping for these vulnerable women extends all the way through the organisation

"The best part was being in a place where real support and love exists for women who suffer so much"

- Sandra

I came away from the event truly proud of the work I get to be part of here. Proud that every day I get to wake up and go work in an office as part of an organisation that changes the story of the most vulnerable women in Bristol. Part of a community that never gives up. What a start to my time here!

Jessie Cross is fundraising and communications volunteer in the placement year of her Social Sciences degree at University of Bath.

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