Behind the scenes

volunteer Maddy

Hermione Greenhalgh posted this on 26/01/2018

Maddy has been a massive help as a volunteer! So much goes on in the office to make things happen. Before we bid her farewell, she reveals some of the vital work that goes on behind the scenes.

Maddy, what inspired you to volunteer at One25?

I was looking to volunteer for a women’s charity in Bristol and I’m so glad I came across One25. After going to an information evening I thought the work sounded so really important but also really interesting. So I applied to volunteer in the office.

Can you tell us a bit about the work you’ve done at One25?

I started off volunteering once a week in admin. I took phone calls, compiled data for the phone records, hung out clothes in drop-in, helped with filing…all sorts! Since November I’ve been paid as an administrative assistant to cover a vacancy. That meant I got to take on more responsibilities which was great.

What have you learned from your time here?

As well as learning lots of useful admin skills, I’ve learned about all the inner workings of the charity. Having the task of taking minutes in meetings showed me loads about all the different aspects needed for an organisation like One25 to run smoothly.

What was the biggest challenge?

I can be quite shy but I felt it was important to see some frontline work. Volunteering in drop-in was outside my normal comfort zone! Even so, everyone was still super supportive and gave me roles that played to my strengths.

Has anything surprised you?

I had no idea how necessary the services that One25 provides are. The support One25 provides to street sex-working women is so essential. I was amazed by the perseverance of the service users and of the staff and volunteers who work here.

What have you got planned next?

Working for a small organisation has been really enjoyable and I’d love to continue in this sector. Before I started volunteering at One25 I barely knew anything about this kind of work, and now I’m sure it’s what I want to do in the future.

Goodbye Maddy! Thanks for all your hard work and all the best for the future!

Interested in volunteering? Have a look at the roles we’ve got at One25.

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Website: Atomic Smash