A moment to celebrate, from Caseworker Liv

open front door cropped

Liv Ollin posted this on 09/11/2015

Home Sweet Home

Last week we had great success with a woman who had been homeless for three months…

Kezia has faced a lot of stigma due to her mental health and has been refused housing a number of times. Whilst getting to know Kezia you learn that she is an intelligent, funny and insightful person who loves reading and music.

I have been doing a whole load of advocacy for her; going back and forth with the council, rebuttals, refusals, perseverance… On Tuesday I took her to an assessment and she was finally housed!

Having been homeless for so long Kezia only had the clothes she was wearing, so on Wednesday I went with our student social worker to visit her, taking fresh towels, toiletries, clothes and a hot meal from the drop in.

When we arrived at her new place she was over the moon, “I love it” she said, “it’s the perfect size for me. I’ve literally got nothing, only the clothes I’m standing in but you’ve thought of everything”, then she opened the bag with the food in… “AND a roast dinner! Thank you so much”.

You’re very welcome Kezia, looking forward to seeing you again soon when you’re all settled in!

  • roast dinner
  • fresh pink towels
  • Clothes

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